Cadillac parked for 25 years...

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Shortly after we built our first house (1977) our neighbour paved his side drive and then parked a clapped out 1967 Mustang in full view of our house and the street. It only had a 6 cylinder engine, the paint had flaked or worn off, the tires were flat and rust had perforated many of the panels. That car sat there for the whole 10 years we owned the house.

But for some reason he moved it across the street (where it was much less visible) in the few days before our house went up for sale.Our house sold before it was ever officially for sale, so I don't think he knew it was about to go on the market. After the week he moved the car back and it sat there again, continuing to gently decay until recently. The last time we looked (a couple of years ago) it was still there but according to my daughter, who was looking at her old house last week, It is now gone.

So aside from that 1 "magic week" in which we sold the house, that junk car sat there for 40 years.
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