Butter, margarine, vegetable/oil spreads

Peanut Butter and Jelly, Cream Cheese on toasts. I don't butter toast. I put them on pancakes with peanut butter and granulated sugar (I grew up with this as a street snack) then fold them in half.
Butter and Avocado oil are all we have in the house. I bought a two pack of butter (8 sticks) last December when it was on sale and we just used the last stick so we don't use a lot of butter. Any more if I have toast with my breakfast I just put jam on it, no butter and I cook my eggs in the Avocado oil. We also eat a lot of Ricearoni that calls for two tablespoons of butter 😲 but I use the Avocado oil instead, can't tell the difference.
Butter ... have two or three types in the house at all times. I use it in moderation, mostly in cooking but sometimes on toast.
I use regular butter after I found out that Margarine isn't all that healthy.
How does that Avocado Butter taste ?
processed (junk) foods, sugar, wheat, cereals, margarine and plant oils are fatal to health.
for more info see keto/carnivore debate groups.
doing this for some months, inflammatory markers gone, general health improvement. :)
real butter from grass fed cows aka kerry gold but now pure irish butter from Aldi's prolly kerry gold for less $$$$. up to date research shows that stable saturated fats are NOT bad, but highly processed 'vegetable' oils that are mostly seed oils that are extremely processed + very UNHEALTHY, check out some vids that show how processed oils are made. while on the oil topic our ratio of omega 6's the inflammatory fats is way TOO high compared to healthy omega 3's. views on cholesterol are changing as well. something you wont hear from mainstream medical due to the profits from cholesterol lowering medications!!! you need cholesterol for life + without it you would die!!!
I actually tried the Kerigold Irish butter someone linked. Very good, I got the unsalted kind. Also, I do use bacon grease sparingly or coconut oil