Born To Ride

Dec 28, 2005
This is my son, Dylan. He's been on two wheels since he came down with dirtbike fever when he was three.

Started him out on a Razor electric dirt bike as a trial to see if he actually was going to like it - then onto a Honda CRF50F, Yamaha PW80, and now a KX65. First day on the KX, he learned how to operate the clutch and was ripping around within an hour. The second picture below is day 2 (yesterday) on the bike.

He turns six at the end of January, so he's still a little short for the KX - but as long as he's moving, he's fine! We still have the PW80, which we'll keep as his woods/trail bike until he's taller.


An excellent hobby to get him into. I grew up around dirt bikes and ATVs and it definitely kept me out of trouble. Being outdoors and learning about engines and bikes is much better for him than being glued to a phone and social media.
An excellent hobby to get him into. I grew up around dirt bikes and ATVs and it definitely kept me out of trouble. Being outdoors and learning about engines and bikes is much better for him than being glued to a phone and social media.

Yeah, he's not one to just sit around. He loves being active outdoors.

We never pushed dirt bikes on him, he just gravitated towards it, so we've been supportive. I grew up riding dirt bikes, too, but he's probably already better than I ever was. Our older son (9) has a TRX90, which he enjoys, but he's more of a video gamer. On his 4wheeler, he's more like me - a Sunday driver. :) That's myself and the 9 year old watching D jump in the 2nd picture above.

My wife even comes out with us sometimes on her CRF125F Big Wheel.
Dirt bikes have to be the most awesome things ever!! I had a Honda CR500 and a Yamaha DT175. I’m ready for another!!:D