BMW and Honda...not honest?

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May 9, 2003
Fayetteville, NC
With, for $24 an year you can get fully deatailed service bulletins, factory-diagrams, all technical info etc etc for all makes of cars EXCEPT Honda & BMW. I used for mu T-bird for 1 year, an it helped me a lot to understand my car and its issues better?

Why don't BMw and Honda allow this with their cars? are they not honest/open to theircustomers?
i find it a little dissapointing...especially when my dream car is the BMW 330Ci

are they not honest/open to theircustomers

This really ticks me off as well. I discovered it when I was trying to find out if there were active TSBs for my '03 Accord with respect to squeaks and rattles.

I can only think that these companies wish to hide information from their customers. They are the only ones who do this and it really ticks me off.

I have Alldata Pro and it lists everything I've ever needed to know on many different cars. I have never looked for service bulletins on Honda products but I have looked for them on BMW and they've had every bulletin listed that I've needed.

What data are you looking for? I'll check my program and see if it lists what you're looking for.

Originally posted by FowVay:
I have Alldata Pro and it lists everything I've ever needed to know on many different cars. I have never looked for service bulletins on Honda products but I have looked for them on BMW and they've had every bulletin listed that I've needed.

What data are you looking for? I'll check my program and see if it lists what you're looking for.

Thanks for the offer. I do not own a BMW currently. Hopefully can get a 330Ci when I'm out of school

I was just wondering because I recently heard of someone who was trying to access something about a TSB, but was nothing really urgent.
Alldata must have changed since the last time i checked; 2-3 yrs ago, I remember reading on their site that BMW and Honda info was not offered.

Thanks for your offer to help.
You're welcome for the offer. If you need for me to look anything up I'll be happy to. Just drop a e-mail or PM.

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