Blending Super-Tech and Pennzoil or Super-Tech

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Sep 12, 2002
Would it be safe to blend 1 quart of Super-Tech Synthetic with 4 quarts of the same weight Pennzoil PureBase or Super-Tech dino?
i think if you were to mix the syn with the dino, to be on the safe side, i would stick to the same brands. the pennzoil syn with the pennzoil dino, and the super tech syn with the super tech dino. keep the vis the same as well. imho, mike

Originally posted by metroplex:
Would it be safe to blend 1 quart of Super-Tech Synthetic with 4 quarts of the same weight Pennzoil PureBase or Super-Tech dino?

I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure all oils (motor oils) can be safely mixed for short intervals if needed or wished for. Just read their labels and I'm pretty sure that 3000 miles is ok with any mix of any brand names. Oil manufactures prefer you don't do it, but they advise that you do if you are low on oil or need to mix for whatever reason. Don't go for 4000+ miles though or you might regret it.

[ January 02, 2003, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: Last_Z ]
I've thrown one quart of ST synthetic in with ST dino. Despite the fact that it's a PZ/QS/Shell owned blending plant, this isn't the same oil as Pennzoil so the warnings are probably applicable. I also think mixing brands for short periods may not be a major problem, I've done it in a pinch.

According to Johnny, ST may switch over to Equilon plants once the Shreveport blending plant is closed. Don't know if it would be identical to Shell or not, or if the Shell and Havoline Equilon oils were identical. Don't even know if it will still be called Equilon once the Havoline production is fully moved to Chevron.

Johnny, if you're there?????
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