Best Synthetic for best price.

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Jan 26, 2003
I'm wondering what the best synthetic one can use in a passanger car, that will still handle getting driven hard with why'll still protecting the engine.
Or will Regular Castrol GTX still be ok.
Well, it depends. How long/far will you go between oil changes? What do you mean by driven hard? Stop and Go all the time or high speed/high rpm use for long durations? Best synthetic for the price is a pretty vague question if you are not quite sure what you are looking for in a synthetic oil. If extended drain intervals is something you are interested in, then a synthetic oil is the way to go. If you are going to change the oil at 2.5-3.5k then Castol GTX appears to be a good choice from the oil analysis sheets that are on this site.
OK I would never keep oil in past 3k because it hard to tell. It's already back or dark at the point. I'm refering to driving hard/high rpm.
I guess I'm looking to see what oil is best for high rpm/ long drive.. Is castrol GTX ok or should I be using Mobil 1, Royal Purple?
I'd say Mobil 1 clearly is the best for the $ however, with Amsoil's pref. customer account, I'm paying less for there oil. Just the 5w/10w though. S2000 is expensive.
I was buying the Mobil-1 in the 5 quart containers. Now that they aren't available, I have bought the Amsoil case of 4 quart jugs and the price is pennies more then the Mobil-1 by the quart.

Also, you need to look at cost per mile. If you are changing every 3K, then you need to examine if the benefits of synthetic are worth the increased cost in general, since it will go down the drain likely long before it's useful life has ended.
So there is no difference of wear between Castrol GTX and a synthetic for the 3k.

Originally posted by rick:
So there is no difference of wear between Castrol GTX and a synthetic for the 3k.

Probably not, but the only way to know for sure would be to run the two oils for that interval and do an oil analysis on both to see.

Originally posted by rick:
What if I were to hit redline every so often?

Irrelevant. Motor oil, whether conventional or synthetic, isn't going to suddenly self-destruct just because you happen to hit redline "every so often."
So what would be the main purpose to use synthetic oils for?
O and thanks for the responces, I'm getting a better idea now.
so it may cost an average of what 27 bucks for a synthetic oil change if its around 5 quarts and a decent oil filter. If you were to take it in to pennzoil or jiffy lube, youd be paying more for regular dino oil and a crappy fram filter which sometimes they don't even change for you. Either way, you save money doing it yourself. Just with synthetics, you can go about 8000 mi b4 they even need changing!!!
Would I be ok If I were to use Castrol GTX as an eg Then every 3-4 oil changes use a bottle of Rislone engine cleaner for 1k miles.
Would I still be ok from sludge build up.
I'd change by oil every 2k Miles

Originally posted by rick:
Would I be ok If I were to use Castrol GTX as an eg Then every 3-4 oil changes use a bottle of Rislone engine cleaner for 1k miles.
Would I still be ok from sludge build up.
I'd change by oil every 2k Miles

You don't want to put Risoline, or any other solvent-type cleaner, in your engine. If you change your oil every 3000 miles, you're not going to have any sludge to worry about.
What if your car revs to 9,000 RPM and your car puts out 120 hp/l while obtaining the highest average piston speed of any production engine? What would you put in the crankcase?

Take a guess what I do

Also, synthetic oil is almost a MUST for longevity in turbocharged engines regardless the oil change interval.
In S2000Driver's case I'd use Amsoil 0w-30 or M1 5w-30.

[ February 02, 2003, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: buster ]
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