Since you know me, you know that I tend to take the road less traveled when it comes to mods and maintenance on our cars.
I've been totally happy and very impressed with my latest choice in oils...Schaeffer's Supreme 7000 10W30. I use a Baldwin filter in the stock length (have my own personal reasons for that) and it too has performed flawlessly. I know you don't want a blend, but do try to remain open-minded when it comes to oils. I was a firm believer in a full synthetic myself too until I started talking more about oils with my buddy who runs a speed/machine shop up by me. He's been building engines and racing for the last 30+ years (has a Monza that runs 7s with no power adder!), and never in his career has an oil impressed him as much as Schaeffer's has. One of his customers that always bought Kendall oil from him for his H-D tried Schaeffer's on his recommendation, and came back to the shop a couple hours later after he changed it, and believe it or not, his oil temperature had dropped 40°! This was found to be consistent too, not just a one time fluke thing.
I have noticed in my car since switching from M1 10W30, a noticeable reduction in internal noise (not like the 3800 has a lot to begin with) especially upon cold startup, and also when the engine is really hot after flogging it a while.
If you read into the VOA and UOA sections here, you'll find some very impressive numbers for Schaeffer's. A lot of times they're better than those of popular full synthetics. These results were the final push for me to give it a try...I still had to get the notion that a full synthetic was better for my engine than a blend out of my head and dive into something that would have normally given me the willies had I not known better after getting educated here.
If you ever wanted to give some a try, I can get it for you and meet up with you somewhere to deliver it to you. PM or email me at ClubGP (since I'm there more) and I'll let you know about costs. I don't want to step on anyone's toes here.
Got a new PB too! 14.926 @ 92.63 with no DHP or rockers!