Best mpg.... tailgate up or down

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The whole up/down debate goes back waay before mythbusters. I can even remember those wackos Click and Clack talking about it a long time back. The reason for the advantage of tailgate up should not vary from truck to truck.

Essentially, if you imagine a line from the top of the cab to the top of the tailgate, the air inbetween becomes trapped and forms a cushion of higher pressure air. Therefore, air flowing over the top of the cab rolls off the top of this cushion of air and over the top of the tailgate. The end product would make the air going over the truck look more like that going over a wing.

If you put an airgate on and by extension lower the tailgate, you loose the ability for that cushion to be retained and then have a turbulant mass flowing over and into the bed of the truck, increasing drag.

I'm not going to argue with someone who says they get better efficiency with the tailgate off. Perhaps your mechanic slipped a "vornado" or "turbonator" in while you weren't looking.
I remember the U of Mich students used a wind tunnel and found more drag with the tail gate down ,and Lochheed in the 80's(must of been a slow time)same thing/ leave the tailgate up,Its just that it looks so wrong , it must be draggy some people will never be convinced,it really isn't much of a differance either way.
Mythbusters were suprised that the tailgate up had less drag - it just doesn't seem right that a big obstruction could help.
Turbulence was the hidden factor.
Just picture this, with the tailgate up, the aerodynamic profile ends up teardrop shaped and air roles OVER the bed without touching it

With the tailgate down....air roles right over the cab and pushes DOWN on the bed, equalling drag.

I need a diagram....
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