Battery disconnect switch

Jun 28, 2003
Who's got experience with a good one. I've had two different kinds and they will give intermittent service after a year or so. The battery is in the trunk so i would like a disconnect under the hood.

First two were the Harbor Freight jobs, the one I have now a different design. Should just go to a single pole Anderson DC connector.

Here's the latest one I have. Starter draw isn't much besides the surge.

Wire a continuous duty solenoid disconnect for the positive battery cable operated by a quality switch mounted inside. Of course the switch remains energized since wired straight to the battery but it doesn’t have a parasitic drain nor will cause problems. Never raise the hood or deck lid.
I don't believe that the latest one that you have is a disconnect. It looks like a DC circuit breaker to me. I doubt that it would be good for many on-off cycles.

300 amps continuous.
Blue seas mini series are Physically, considerably smaller than Guest or Perko's offerings

Best switch in the world is not gonna negate substandard cable terminations.

Such as hammered dimple crimps, or vice grip lug compresssion.
Also, beware of AP store battery cable terminations.

Use a magnet.
Temporary at best.
I don't believe that the latest one that you have is a disconnect. It looks like a DC circuit breaker to me. I doubt that it would be good for many on-off cycles.
They’re used on ambulances so I’m sure they will work fine for a car.
Who's got experience with a good one. I've had two different kinds and they will give intermittent service after a year or so. The battery is in the trunk so i would like a disconnect under the hood.

First two were the Harbor Freight jobs, the one I have now a different design. Should just go to a single pole Anderson DC connector.

Here's the latest one I have. Starter draw isn't much besides the surge.
that looks like a car audio circuit breaker.
get the knob or key style.

this one linked above seems decent.