Arent' you glad that you stockpiled oil?

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Over 97 qts, less than $70 spent on it.
24 qts of Mobil 1 EP ($1.12/qt), 5 qts Mobil 1 ($1/qt), 13 qts GC (5 free, the rest $4/qt), 20 qts Dura Blend (free), 16 qts Max Life (free), 4 qts All-Climate($0.79.qt), and 5qts Mobil 5000 (free).
I bought 20 qts of Formula Shell SL today at $1.29/qt. Here, we never see any of those $.49 Chevron or $.99 Pennzoil deals.

But then, I plan to run a full auto-RX clean & rinse cycle-that's 9 qts right there. Or maybe two full cycles, which will take 18 qts.

I thought that maybe the Shell might be a little beter than the Wally World SuperTech(in our area, all ST seems to be the WPP version).

The Shell is on sale for 2 more days- maybe I should get more!
Then, I'll be a-stockpilin'!

However, if you have been to Walmart or to an auto parts store lately we oil stock pilers look like geniuses.

But just think about how much money you'd have if you invested the cash sitting in your stockpile in oil company stocks!
My 5 free qt's. of Mobil Clean 5000, & the 15 remaining qt's of QS 4x4 semi-syn. 10w30 that I got for 20 cents/qt. looks better every day.
The price of the 5 qt Havoline dino jug at Wally World went up $2. This is getting ridiculous! There's no reason for the price to be going up this much.
Sure there is, Bottgers: The evil empire has successfully bought the market from everyone else, so now their prices are going up. Each individual store follows this practice, and now the entire empire is following it in unison.
I'm with StuartH on this one. He and I live fairly close together down here in the south-central states and oil isn't as cheap here as I read it is in other places. I just bought a case of Havoline 10W40 at Advanced Auto for $15.36 plus tax and was happy to get it for that. It's for a Auto-Rx cycle.

Funny how prices are not cheap down here in Louisiana, where most of this stuff originates from. Oh well my 32 quarts of GC and 17 liters of Lubro Moly are already bought.

Perhaps I'll learn to look harder for better prices before I use up the stock I have now.
michaelc80 Member # 4370
posted February 23, 2006 10:33 PM
But just think about how much money you'd have if you invested the cash sitting in your stockpile in oil company stocks!

Well, lets see. My M1 is worth more then twice what I paid for it, my dino is up from 10% to 50% over my cost. My stock is from 1 month to 14 months old, so my % gains are variable based on time held. The best part is, it won't ever drop below the purchase price. All this without doing any rebates.

Lets see you do as well in the stock market.

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