Are you an early riser?

Aug 15, 2008
And if so, did you have to train yourself to be that way or is it just natural?

And on the same note, what's the latest you can stay up without it affecting your ability to wake up early the next day?
I am not an early riser and never have been

Constant fatigue makes 8-9am better and post covid I’ve been more tired than normal needing more sleep.

For me to get up early I have to get on a schedule going to bed early or even taking an afternoon nap and even then I am ready to sleep at noon if I’m up early.
Since working from home, I've been to bed by 10pm and up at 6am every day, regardless of if I'm off or not.

We are in the country I sleep with the window blind up, nice to have the sunrise wake me naturally. No alarm clock needed anymore.
i'm an early bird since childhood; if i'm awake, I got to get up from bed and do something

I do not sleep a lot but a good quality sleep indeed
I’m in bed by 11 usually and up at 4am weekdays. Don’t have to be at work till 7am. On the weekends I’m up later and it tends to help me to sleep in till 6. Like this weekend I was up a bit after midnight and up by 6 both days. I’ve never been a sleeper but do like a hour nap around noon on weekends, seems to be the best sleep I get. During the work week il usually have at least 2 nights a week with less than 4hrs sleep. I’ve been a early riser since childhood. Wish I could sleep as good as my wife. I hear anything happen while sleeping and have to run a fan to try and drown out other noises. My wife can sleep through an earthquake.
I can push it till 1am and still be up by 4 without much fuss but only 1 day at a time. Regardless I’m still up at 4 being I have to have my morning routine.
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natural night owl, but I work First Shift (6a-2:30p), so I get up 4-5am on workdays, but non workdays I'm rarely out of bed before noon.
I group them that way, as I Don't have a typical m-f Schedule. all I can say for certain is i get 2 days off a week, and they're not often consecutive.

at the other end of the day....some days i'm passed out by 10p, some days I'm "forcing myself" to sleep at 12:30-1am, knowing full well my alarm is going off @ 4....
On work days, my alarm is set for 4:45 am, on the weekend I get up in time to see sunrise on the lake. But it is always difficult to escape the gravitational pull of the bed. When I'm not working or fishing, I'll stay in bed as long as I can. Nothing bad ever happens to me in bed, so where's the incentive to get up?
I usually go to bed by 10:30pm, and am up at 6am. Weekends are usually 12am-8am for sleep.

I used to sleep in more a few years ago when I was in college, but I’m used to waking up earlier now.
I used to be up before 6 am everyday and always in bed between 9-10 for as long as I can remember. I went to second shift and now I’m usually up around 10 am and trying to go to sleep around 2-3 am. I also did a stint where I worked 7pm-7am Friday through Sunday and was still running the farm during the day. I was up 3 days straight usually and slept all day and night on Monday And was back to a normal schedule until Friday night again.
My job has me up by 3:30-4:30am depending on the route. In bed by 9PM but sometimes I'll be on my phone for half an hour or so. Averaging 7.5 hrs. of sleep according to my iphones built in sleep app. Some days got me slammed so I'll take an hour afternoon nap too.
Never been early to bed or an early riser unless I absolutely had to be. Me and my parents have always went to bed between 2am and 4am then get up around 10 or so it doesn’t effect me one bit. I’m usually up late working on something or watching YouTube or tinkering with my tools or researching old tool brands. I’ve never understood why someone would go to bed early. I’m definitely not a morning person I’d much rather be doing stuff at night. And usually I hang with my friends at night too. I haven’t went to bed before 2am since probably 10th grade that’s why I am usually on here so late too.