Yes Bob we know synthetic doesn't mean it is necessarily better. But I have a hard time believing any dino or blend can attain the cleanliness of synth. And I don't want to have to use something like Auto-rx every so often. I also feel the other advantages of synth are important to me.
Couple of things I'd like to point out.
One, I wasn't going to say anything but since you used my name, I just couldn't resist.
I can understand you being a disbeliever. I learned along time that you compare apples to apples and in the case of Schaeffers, they are not to be compared to a dino as they are a specialized oil not a conventional OTC oil therefore you should expect more than just what a standard dino will do. And that is just the case, it does. I'm switching to a dino molybond 15w40 Schaeffers oil this next oil change and compare it with our blend just for the purpose of demonstrating the differences.
We have already established our blend can withstand extended drains to the degree with most synths and even our molybond dino has shown some extended drain results, but for the record, by my switching over to the dino, this will demonstrate how much difference there is between a dino base oil and a dino base oil with about 28%PAO(schaeffers blend). I suspect you'll find very little difference.
Yeah I know, it can't be possible, no way, and all that jazz. AGAIN, let me state, THIS IS NOT A STANDARD OIL, but a SPECIALIZED OIL, and I expect more out of it than just what you'll find OTC.
Now, another thing, Have you seen ANYWHERE on here or other places, where someone that had been running Schaeffers, has had to use Auto rx in their engine? I haven't. Again, this is what I expect.
But, to go one further, I did try auto rx in my engine. I had no results in it as I expected. I had been running schaeffers ever since I first got the vehicle,.. 1st oil change did the 131 neutra purge(cause I had no idea of what was in it prior) and then changed over. Had been running Schaeffers well over 10,000+ miles when I tried the auto rx just to see if I could find any debre in the filter, and oil analysis established the same basic results to what my prior 4 analysis showed...So in conclusion, there was no debre and no noticable change on the analysis that I could see.
Now, does this mean auto rx doesn't work? I don't think so. Like many have found out, Some situations are great canidates for this treatment where as mine wasn't. It may have made some difference in my emmissions but I didn't test for that so it just means I didn't need it. You cannot clean something out that isn't there. So pleaseeee, don't even associate Schaeffers as to haveing to be cleaned out by auto rx just because it isn't a full synth.
I am courious though, just exactly what else does your full synth provide that you think Schaeffers doesn't other than a "good feeling" that you have a full synth in your engine?