Api is a reglatory agency.. it is not mandated that oil companies comply with the standards that api regulate. The decission to lower one additive or increase another is not api's doing, but the manufacture engineers to start with.. proposed to and by the Society of Engineers Assoc (SAE) then ASTM designs tests to demonstrate and qualify an oil's capability to handle the new proposed standard set by SAE, and API is a clearing house that is used to establish the simple fact of if that oil has gone and met the new standards set by the SAE. There may be several reasons why oil companies that don't comply. Mostly, because they don't want to meet the requirements such as lowering the antiwear additives, and the other reason is they haven't done that actual tests required to establish if it does meet those standards so they cannot prove to the api it complies. Its the actual tests that cost so much not the license by api as it isn't all that much. around $800.00 plus a small percentage over a million gallons..
I'm sure many see it as politics buy it's just a standard set and monitored by these agencies.