Would the gearing of the oil pump cause be to pump more oil?
Yes, exactly. That change is intended to elevate the volume flow rate
to compensate for the (newish to VW/Audi at that time) thinner oil.
Curious how the higher weight oil (5W-40) would affect the engine. I have used it for almost 30 k miles with no I'll effects as far as I can tell
I hope so, just because you probably intend to 'affect' (improve) the
engine's life. Going one or two steps thicker will never do any harm.
Anyway I'd run either VW 504 00 or VW 511 00 instead before using
VW 502 00 but it's up to you. IMHO one step up (from 0W-20 to 5W
-30) is as stout oil as is meaningful.
I was referring to bearing clearances, galley design, etc...
Yes, the same AFAIK (if we're talking about EA888 3G above ~220 HP).
The less powered 1.8 TFSI and the Miller cycle 2.0 TFSI are a different
matter (smaller main and rod bearings, weaker crankshaft etc).
So it was just a gearing change in 2019 to keep pressures up with the 0W-20?
Yes, according to Audi publications (several SSPs). Not 100 percent
certain if there are some minor tweaks such as ECU SW changes etc.
as well.