This test was conducted at ~380 F. Previous volatility threads describe the general test procedure. I will reiterate that the relative positions of the oils were rotated between weighings. Aluminum foil covered the tops of the cups to shield the oven from radiation. The cups are open on part of the upper portion, so vapors can easily escape despite the foil on top. See picture below.
The purpose of this test was to test three oils that have published Noack volatilities, then for me to estimate the Noack values for two of the oils, by assuming the Noack of the other oil.
Amsoil SS 5W-20 Noack: 5.8%
Amsoil SS 10W-30 Noack: 4.1%
Valvoline Premium Blue Restore 10W-30 GEN 1: 5.4%
The minimum average of the absolute value of the Noack estimate errors occurred at 4 hours. Noack estimates for Amsoil SS 5W-20 and VPBR 10W-30 were both 5.47%. Published values are 5.8% and 5.4%, respectively.
The purpose of this test was to test three oils that have published Noack volatilities, then for me to estimate the Noack values for two of the oils, by assuming the Noack of the other oil.
Amsoil SS 5W-20 Noack: 5.8%
Amsoil SS 10W-30 Noack: 4.1%
Valvoline Premium Blue Restore 10W-30 GEN 1: 5.4%
The minimum average of the absolute value of the Noack estimate errors occurred at 4 hours. Noack estimates for Amsoil SS 5W-20 and VPBR 10W-30 were both 5.47%. Published values are 5.8% and 5.4%, respectively.
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