Amsoil ASM 0W-20, 15.5k mi 07 Crown Vic Police

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Sep 11, 2004
Hermon, ME
Napa Gold Oil Filter + air filter.

2 qts total added at time of filter change at 7,671 mi into run.(1 qt top up for filter change, one qt make up due to consumption.)

15,542 on oil + over 300 hrs of idle time. (Ford considers every hour of idle time to be equivalent to 33 mi of driving-i.e roughly equivalent to 25+k.) Oil was in service for 3.5 months.

90,204 mi on vehicle

Police service

Middle is same fill of ASM as current sample at 7,671 mi. Oil filter was changed (Napa Gold) and two qts makeup oil added at time of 7.6k sample. Left is current sample, ASM, 15,542 mi. Right is VOA, courtesy of TaterandNoodles.

















Fuel= .5%---.4%----N/A

Visc @100C= 9.6---9.7--8.7

TBN = 3.94-----5.15---9.81

Ox 45-----33-----35

Nit 30-----23----11

Oil and filter were changed at the time of this sample (More ASM and Napa Gold) and a new Napa Gold air filter was installed.
Wow...that's a pretty good report. Viscosity was excellent and yours didn't thicken like mine. Idle time is [censored] on engine oil. Based on your UOA and my UOA the folks at Ford might have to start paying attention and use Amsoil as a factory fill. Then everyone around here could pontificate that Amsoil is truly remarkable because it is an OEM factory filled synthetic LOL!
This car will probably stay in service for at least another full year and possibly another two years. It most likely will see less duty during that second year, if kept that long.

Our highest mileage vehicle currently has 170,000 miles on it. Imagine the total engine hours...


The sodium contamination is still a mystery-we had two cars test positive for sodium at the same time (64ppm and 72 ppm) while both had Mobil 1 fills and I almost thought there was a formulation change. I have been watching for signs of coolant loss but both cars have been trending down ever since. The other car is on Schaeffer's currently. The ASM car is taking longer to trend down because of the longer oil drains.
No, before I took over maintenance it was run on Mobil 1 5w-30. This ASM fill is the first 20wt for this engine since the factory fill AFAIK.
Originally Posted By: REDDOG
No, before I took over maintenance it was run on Mobil 1 5w-30. This ASM fill is the first 20wt for this engine since the factory fill AFAIK.

Since it was only run once on the ASM oil, do you plan a second run and another UOA? I'm trying to learn and understand these UOA's and it seems it is best to do them after a second run if you changed brands of oil or grades of oil.

How on earth are you getting a cop fleet to run expensive synthetic oils? Most go lowest bidder, re-refined 10W-30!

Yeah, you can run syns longer, but how many old-skool cop fleet managers are gonna take to time to learn about that?

Or are you 'teaching' them?

This car will get one last interval of ASM as I use up the remainder I have left. I expect the second run to be even better.


The Chief is very progressive and open minded and pretty much leaves product decisions to me. Premium products end up being cheaper (and easier to justify) when labor is done in house-and the ability to extend service intervals makes life easier for everyone.
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