AEB on ice

May 25, 2005
I have this in the "Automotive General Topics" section too but since it has to do with brakes(specifically), I'll post it here as well. Moderator(s) may want to step in and eliminate one or the other. For that, I apologize.

Does anyone have experience with their vehicle's Automatic Emergency Braking on an icy road with other vehicles in front of them?

You know, you're looking down(not on your phone of course) but, something we've all done and the vehicles safety system(AEB) kicked in...ON ICE?

What happens, do you still smash into the vehicle in front of you?
I realize that the ABS will also activate but, you're on ICE!
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Your knowingly on ice, looking down and you wonder what the ABS is going to do??? Nothing until you put on the brakes. Then it doesn't matter the ABS is not going to stop you. Many different things could come into play here. Bottom line, your on ice, slow down, pay attention.