Today I bought an AC-Delco PF52 filter from the local O'reillys. They had a filter comparison display comparing the Wix, AC-Delco, Motorcraft, Fram, and Progaurd filters. I thought that the Wix filter on display looked like the best built of the bunch so I pulled down a Wix 51036 filter to take a look at it and compare it to the AC-Delco PF52 I was about to buy.
I was shocked to see that the Wix filter looked identical to the Delco filter. I examined both of them closer and I could not see any differences at all except for the color of the case. They both had the same number of holes on the top with both being the same size. They both had the number "18" on the top next to the holes. The both had red silicone anti-drainback valves with the same wording on them. The insides looked identical.
The biggest difference was the price. The Delco was $2.99 and the Wix was $5 and some change.
So does anyone know who is making both of these filters?
I was shocked to see that the Wix filter looked identical to the Delco filter. I examined both of them closer and I could not see any differences at all except for the color of the case. They both had the same number of holes on the top with both being the same size. They both had the number "18" on the top next to the holes. The both had red silicone anti-drainback valves with the same wording on them. The insides looked identical.
The biggest difference was the price. The Delco was $2.99 and the Wix was $5 and some change.
So does anyone know who is making both of these filters?