2017 Honda Pilot Elite AWD ATF Drain & Fill After 100k Miles Using Valvoline MaxLife

Notice any shifting differences or issues with MaxLife vs the expensive ZF9 fluid? I'm considering making the switch since we're out of warranty now on our 2019 Odyssey. I already replaced the fluid once with the OE fluid and it's getting close to needing it again.
I switched the waifu's 2017 Honda Pilot Elite AWD to Valvoline Maxlife ATF after 50k miles. It had the Honda brand "gold colored" Type 3.1 ATF prior. She's past 100k miles and we have no problems to report.

@KlubMarcus Where did u buy that aluminum catch pan that the drain pan sits on? What is the overall dimensions?
The show 3 different options in the product finder for my Odyssey with the ZF 9 speed.

Notice any shifting differences or issues with MaxLife vs the expensive ZF9 fluid? I'm considering making the switch since we're out of warranty now on our 2019 Odyssey. I already replaced the fluid once with the OE fluid and it's getting close to needing it again.
No difference in shifting.