2016 Indian Chief TS111

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I'm no expert.....

...but it looks like a lot of iron (wear) and silicon can possibly come from a poor air filter.

Not much of an additive package, eh?
Better oils are more easily found.
The cheapest 15W-40 HDEO you can find is better than that stuff, sheesh.
The iron was a bit high but it's only the second oil change (first was by dealer at 500 miles) so the engine was just starting to break in. Not sure why the silicon was high as I'm using an oem paper air filter. I agree the additive package in the Indian/Victory oil (20w-40 Semi-Synthetic) is weak for what they charge for it. The oil is supposed to be API SM but to me the add pack is more in line with some API SN car oils. I replaced that oil with Rotella T4 15w-40 and I'm sure the next UOA will be better.
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Thanks Spur! Actually I've been reading your oil conversations on the Indian forum and your UOA of the delo 400le is what convinced me to try a HDEO in the TS111. I'm a bit confused about the new CK-4 versions of rotella, delo, etc. If the new zinc/phos levels are lower than the CJ-4 stuff I may go a different route after I'm done with my current fill (Rotella T4 CJ-4/SM)

Check out the new specs for the CK-4 HDEOs. There are some changes. Rotella T4 still seems pretty good. The other thing to note is there are modern additives that do not show up on the UOA analysis. This is the claim by Chevron that their additive package is as good or better than the CJ package. They are using stuff that does not show on a conventional UOA. Gonna try the Cks and look at the UOA for wear numbers and see what happens. If they are good enough for a big diesel tractor engine, they must be ok for a little ol bike motor.
Originally Posted By: CSR111
Thanks Spur! Actually I've been reading your oil conversations on the Indian forum and your UOA of the delo 400le is what convinced me to try a HDEO in the TS111. I'm a bit confused about the new CK-4 versions of rotella, delo, etc. If the new zinc/phos levels are lower than the CJ-4 stuff I may go a different route after I'm done with my current fill (Rotella T4 CJ-4/SM)

I am thinking about trying the CK Rotella. How was the shift quality with Rotella in your opinion? The CK HDEO still look better than the Indian Oil. The numbers in the Indian Oil are pretty weak. Would not have guessed that.
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Shift quality definitely improved. Valve train noise seemed better but after 300+ miles on the Rotella I think it was mostly in my head. I'm thinking of trying a 20w-50 next time to see if it improves the noise. I wasn't surprised about the Indian oil being weak. I've been looking at some of the Victory UOA reports and the Victory 20w-40 shows the same weak additive numbers which confirms to me what I suspected; it's the same oil. So much for the Indian oil being specially formulated for the Thunderstroke engine..lol.
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a lot of bull on the polaris oils. they show no specs or details because they know its [censored]. the original owner had the 500 service done at the stealers, since i bought it no polaris oil in it. my vic was consuming a bit when i got it at 833 miles but a good spanking + better oil cured that, change yearly + never add between. i have 3 bikes so miles are not that high. currently on Silkolene Pro 4 motorcycle oil 15-50, a group III with ester, its working well but poor weather is limiting riding
Its not a bad report from an engine that only had 1000 miles on it when the oil was put in. More or less nothing what so ever can be drawn from this test except to see nothing glaringly wrong as it breaks in which is nice to see!

For me personally I think its hard to say what is good or bad about an oil now, one can only assume there are many more compounds in oil then the traditional and they do not show up in VOAs and UOAs.

I will say nothing seems to be very remarkable about the oil and sort of in shock at the low additive numbers compared to most other oils in this group, personally I wouldnt use it but what do I know?
You would think Polaris knows better then me... yet I wouldnt use it and sure I would obtain better wear numbers with other oils, some much cheaper then Polaris own. Then again, I cant be sure, because I dont own one ... :eek:)
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Polaris wants your $$$$ like everyone else!!! their oils are blended for them by lubetec prolly to their specs to allow a high profit margin. decent oils for sure as they warranty the engines but there are better for less $$$
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