2013 Nissan Altima 2.5L SV - Help w/ driveline noise

Mar 2, 2004
My MIL brought a friend's vehicle over for me to take a look at. 2013 Altima SV w/ 2.5L & CVT, 105K miles. Did a thorough test drive and here are the symptoms:

Drivetrain noise is present anytime the car is moving. It can fade into background noise easily at very low speeds, but once you're running 40+ MPG, it sounds like there's a second engine under the car turning about 2X the speed of the engine, with an accompanying light coarse vibration located in the center/front of the car. Get up to 65-70+ and it sounds like I'm redlining this phantom engine.

Things I know:

CV axles, wheel bearing, suspension, rest of drivetrain checks out. Turning makes zero difference in sound.

I've driven a few of these so know what to expect of the CVT. Ratio selection/behavior seems appropriate for the model-- RPM responds well to throttle position, engine accelerates normally. I can easily separate the engine noise from this other sound and it's definitely not the engine; it sounds like a 2.5L should. WOT acceleration is fine and has the fake shifts around 6K like you'd expect. No CEL.

My thought is that the only thing that can cause this type of noise/vibation and be perfectly linear with speed is the differential in the transaxle. Is this a common failure point, or do you think I'm barking up the wrong tree? I simply don't see anything else wrong with the car.

Transmission has a minor leak, didn't have time to narrow it down. I'm told (by MIL, a third party) that she had someone service the transmission a while back. I was in a hurry as we've been under tornado warning most of the afternoon/evening, but I suggested she bring it back and try a drain fill so we can ensure the fluid level and type is correct. That will help narrow down whether she can get by for now, or whether she's looking at a very expensive repair soon.

Curious what you all think. Any thoughts / suggestions / input are appreciated.
Maybe a muffler heat shield vibrating. Noises can telegraph themselves all over a moving vehicle. If you have a chassis ears it might help you narrow down the area.


Maybe a muffler heat shield vibrating. Noises can telegraph themselves all over a moving vehicle. If you have a chassis ears it might help you narrow down the area.

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Nope, this is a vibration / noise located down in the floorboard where the lower engine/transmission sits. Definitely not a heat shield vibrating, exhaust leak or anything of the sort. A heat shield rattle would not be perfectly linear with wheel speed.
See if you can find the YouTube video…”front exhaust vibration”
There is a front exhaust hanger(more on the driver side) that either needs replacement or shim it as I did.
See if you can find the YouTube video…”front exhaust vibration”
There is a front exhaust hanger(more on the driver side) that either needs replacement or shim it as I did.
Okay, front exhaust vibration makes noise. If you can explain to me how the exhaust noise tracks ONLY with wheel speed (and not with engine load / RPM), I'll entertain the idea. I'll give you an example. I get the car up to 75, it sounds like a second engine underneath/front of me whirling along at 7500rpm, with a slight coarse vibration associated with it (the vibration so subtle non-car-geeks may not notice it or attribute it to tires or something). At 75mph under heavy acceleration I dump the tranny into Neutral changing RPM from some 5500, to 800 with load removed. The noise is exactly the same until wheel speed starts to decrease, then it changes pitch and volume as the car decelerates. I would expect an exhaust noise / rattle to remain constant in this condition (idle with no load).
Should be pretty easy to track down on a lift just mind all the spinning parts.

Japanese front wheel bearings can raise hell with zero play, Hopefully the noise is not in the final drive!

Mechanics Stethoscope or a long screwdriver to the ear should help narrow it down.
Okay, front exhaust vibration makes noise. If you can explain to me how the exhaust noise tracks ONLY with wheel speed (and not with engine load / RPM), I'll entertain the idea. I'll give you an example. I get the car up to 75, it sounds like a second engine underneath/front of me whirling along at 7500rpm, with a slight coarse vibration associated with it (the vibration so subtle non-car-geeks may not notice it or attribute it to tires or something). At 75mph under heavy acceleration I dump the tranny into Neutral changing RPM from some 5500, to 800 with load removed. The noise is exactly the same until wheel speed starts to decrease, then it changes pitch and volume as the car decelerates. I would expect an exhaust noise / rattle to remain constant in this condition (idle with no load).
Sorry, I can't explain it. I was just shooting out an idea.
Do you have a wheel bearing gone bad?
The Exhaust noise that I was thinking of and a front wheel bearing were the 2 noises that I experienced in my 2015 Altima 2.5 SV