2005 Subaru Legacy GT and QS Full Syn?

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Aug 6, 2006
Flanders, NJ
Hey guys, long time lurker, just joined

I'm just starting to do my own oil changes, and I wanted to clear my choice of oil with the experts.

I have a 2005 Subaru Legacy GT with ~17k miles on it, 60% highway, 40% city. I rarely take it to the redline, but I still love to have fun with it on the twisties. Enough about the car...

I am planning on using Quaker State "Q" Advanced Engine Full Synthetic 5w30, at an OCI of 6k miles. Currently, I am doing the dealer-specified oil changes (10w30 @ 3k mi).

Any comments on the choice of oil, or the weight given my climate (Northern NJ)?
Any full synthetic s/b more than fine: I would go for one that has a more modern dual (i.e. HDEO) certification if your GT has the turbo... IMHO

Nothing wrong with CD, though.

Why 5W-30 vs. 10W-30? NNJ doesn't really get that cold.

I thought that if this oil is certified ACEA A5 (and A3) it would be fine, no?

I thought, given the temperature ranges that NNJ sees, that it didn't really matter which I used. Am I sacrificing protection by using 5W30 instead of 10w30?

Originally posted by direavenger:
I thought that if this oil is certified ACEA A5 (and A3) it would be fine, no?

According to the spec sheet, only the 10W-30 and 5W-50 meet ACEA A3. The 5W-30 meets ACEA A5. Here's the info from the spec sheet:

Meets the European ACEA A1-02 (5W-20), ACEA A3-02 (10W-30, 5W-50) and ACEA A5-02 (5W-30) specifications


Originally posted by direavenger:
I thought, given the temperature ranges that NNJ sees, that it didn't really matter which I used. Am I sacrificing protection by using 5W30 instead of 10w30?

I'd run the 5W-30 and not worry about it further. Personally, based on recommendations in various message threads here on BITOG, I'd use Pennzoil Platinum (PP) synthetic over the Quaker State synthetic. PP utilizes a better basestock (EOP/Group V) versus Quaker State (Group III) and appears to be an excellent oil for the money.

to BITOG from a fellow Subie owner.
I think that you'll do fine with the Quaker State full synthetic (or any other full synthetic) and 6,000 mile oil changes. The full synthetics most preferred on this site are Mobil 1, Amsoil, and Pennzoil Platinum, not necessarily in that order. Some others are also popular. Be sure to use a good oil filter. I and a lot of people on here prefer either the Purolator Pure One or the WIX (or the NAPA Gold, which is the same as, and is made by, WIX). Do you have the 2.5 liter 4 cyl. engine? If so, that engine's in my wife's 2003 Forester and my owner's manual recommends 7,500 mile oil changes, so I wonder why your manual recommends them at 3,000. I think you have the turbo; perhaps that's why. I'm doing 10,000 mile oil changes with Mobil 1 EP and the NAPA Gold oil filter.

Originally posted by jmacmaster:
Be sure to use a good oil filter. I and a lot of people on here prefer either the Purolator Pure One or the WIX (or the NAPA Gold, which is the same as, and is made by, WIX).

I'd also include the OEM Toyo Roki manufactured oil filter, it's a high-quality filter and available for a reasonable amount of money when purchased in bulk online.


Originally posted by jmacmaster:
Do you have the 2.5 liter 4 cyl. engine? If so, that engine's in my wife's 2003 Forester and my owner's manual recommends 7,500 mile oil changes, so I wonder why your manual recommends them at 3,000. I think you have the turbo; perhaps that's why.

The Legacy GT has a 2.5L turbo-charged engine. The 3,000 OCI recommendation is probably a dealer recommendation...my local Subaru dealer recommended the same interval probably just to try and extract more money from my wallet. I use a 5,000 mile interval with Castrol Sytec 0W-30 (a.k.a., German Castrol) in my STi.
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. Yes, my Legacy GT is the 2.5L - turbocharged and intercooled. I plan on doing a yearly oil analysis from Blackstone labs, so I'll keep you posted as time goes on.

Thanks again!

I'm making a reply just so that I can get email notifications about this thread. Is there an easier way to subscribe to a thread (without actually posting)?
Subaru's OCI is 3,750 for severe service (short trips, stop & go, etc.) and 7,500 for normal service. The OCI's and recommended viscosities are all the same, regardless of engine.

There's a highly modified LGT in NJ(?) with a Pennzoil Platinum UOA or two on here.

You also might want to read up about German Castrol on here. Be warned though, once you get under the spell of the elves it's hard to break free.


Originally posted by bluesubie:
There's a highly modified LGT in NJ(?) with a Pennzoil Platinum UOA or two on here.

Hmm, some searches on these forums didn't turn up too much(why does the search function take a day and a half to complete??), but I'll keep looking. Thanks for the info!
oh man, I completely missed edmund's analysis. I recognize him from the legacy forums, and completely missed the fact that he lived in Jersey. Thanks.
I had an exceptional UOA using Amsoil 5W30 in my 05 Outback Sport 2.5 (posted in the UOA section). Any quality synthetic should be fine though, even with the turbo.

I can't speak for the other synthetics, but I have Amsoil in the engine, Redline in the transmission and Amsoil in the rear differential. The EPA highway estimate for my OBS was 30MPG, I normally get 32MPG at 70MPH on the interstate, and 33+ MPG at 59MPH-tracked by my scangauge. 58-60MPH seems to be the sweet spot for this car for fuel mileage.

I do very little city driving so I don't note what the mileage is around town.
^^That is very impressive. I've gotten 30 mpg in a 50 mile highway tip with the cruise set to 65. That was tough, since I had to keep in the right lane the whole time (those who have driven in NE NJ know what I'm talking about).
"PP utilizes a better basestock (EOP/Group V) versus Quaker State (Group III) and appears to be an excellent oil for the money"

I thought PP was a group III?
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