2002 LS1 Corvette, 4 qts M1 Euro 0w40 & 2 qts Val PB "Restore" 10w30, oci 5800 miles.

Dec 15, 2010
San Antonio,TX & Leadville, CO
I didn't change the oil or filter. Looks like there is plenty of life left in it. I'll go another 2-3k miles then change it. 60% hwy miles. Oil was last changed 4 of 24. Previous oil was the same mix.

Makeup oil was 1/2 qt of M1 Euro 5w40 and 1/2 qt Val PB "Restore".

This is the first time I've use a Wix UOA kit # 24077. Fast (6 days) and simple. I'll use em again.
why are you mixing the oils together? are you trying to better results?, its best not to do this as most if not all engine oils are properly formulated and tested to a specific license, approvals specifications etc. , by people that do this well for a living, trying to be a back yard chemist maybe is not a good idea, though many oils are compatible with each other, you may diminish end performance results by doing this.
Dude thats a stellar oil you have mixed up in my opinion. Low iron number, high zinc, strong TBN.

Copper is high, do you use an oil cooler?
Dude thats a stellar oil you have mixed up in my opinion. Low iron number, high zinc, strong TBN.

Copper is high, do you use an oil cooler?
I like it too, but at the next oil change I may be switching too Val Restore & Protect 5w30 and sticking with the Fram Ultra or Endurance filter.
copper has been coming down. It was higher than I like when I bought the car 1.5 yrs ago. With each UOA its lower :)
No oil cooler, I don't hot rod it. It gets mostly hwy miles.