NOTE: THIS IS AN OLD SAMPLE. I am just posting this for other people's benefits. Second sample on my car. Car has an AEM Cold Air intake on it at this point.code:
Car: 2000 Toyota Celica GT-S (2ZZ-GE engine) 6 speed trans
Oil: Mobil 1 5W-30 SuperSyn
Sump Capacity: 4.8 quarts
Miles on oil: 2,813
Miles on car: 46,823
Date of Sample: 4/17/2004
Date of Analysis: 4/27/2004
Lab: Blackstone
TBN: not done
Aluminum: 4
Chromium: 1
Iron: 8
Copper: 2
Lead: 25 (flagged as high)
Tin: 1
Molybdenum: 80
Nickel: 0
Manganese: 0
Silver: 0
Titanium: 0
Potassium: 0
Boron: 155
Silicon: 7
Sodium: 5
Calcium: 2326
Magnesium: 22
Phosphorus: 779
Zinc: 919
Barium: 0
Sus.@210F: 58.7 (55-62 normal)
Flash Point: 415F (>365F)
Antifreeze: 0.0% (0%)
Water: 0.0% (
Insolubles: 0.5% (pre>
Previous UOA
[ January 22, 2005, 01:45 PM: Message edited by: CincyGTS ]