1MZ-FE Valve Cover Gasket Change - 471,000 Miles

Dec 26, 2005
Upper Midwest
The valve cover gaskets have been leaking, I looked back and the last time I changed them was 172,000 miles and 10 years ago. On this engine that is too long as they get hard and no longer seal.

Here is what it looked like under the covers. The rear cover was replaced at the last gasket change with the new and improved rear cover and PCV valve. The front cover is original to the engine.

Oil changes average around 6-7K and I've always used synthetic but not a boutique. Much different engine than the 1NZ-FE in my old ECHO.

Front head:

front head.webp

Rear head:

rear head.jpg

Front cover:

front cover.jpg

Rear cover:

rear cover.jpg
Looks clean for 471K, that's for sure.

I guess you are going to keep it for a while yet? I recall reading your account of a timing belt change (quite a few years ago IIRC) and you said that that would be the last one. Our 3MZ is only at 195K; I'll be happy enough to get 300K out of it. 471 gets a gold medal.
Oil changes average around 6-7K and I've always used synthetic but not a boutique.
There is quite a bit of varnish on the inside of the valve cover and some on the stationary parts on the head. Had you used a boutique oil like HPL that has a documented ability to keep internals clean, do you think we would see this varnish even at 471k miles?
There is quite a bit of varnish on the inside of the valve cover and some on the stationary parts on the head. Had you used a boutique oil like HPL that has a documented ability to keep internals clean, do you think we would see this varnish even at 471k miles?
Probably. But then again it is nearing the EOL for other reasons so likely not worth the money.
I guess you are going to keep it for a while yet? I recall reading your account of a timing belt change (quite a few years ago IIRC) and you said that that would be the last one. Our 3MZ is only at 195K; I'll be happy enough to get 300K out of it. 471 gets a gold medal.
It's pretty much a dog hauler now or I use it to take stuff to the landfill or pull a small trailer for mulch.
Probably. But then again it is nearing the EOL for other reasons so likely not worth the money.
It has b
There is quite a bit of varnish on the inside of the valve cover and some on the stationary parts on the head. Had you used a boutique oil like HPL that has a documented ability to keep internals clean, do you think we would see this varnish even at 471k miles?i
It has been reported that this engine statistically suffers the proverbial engine sludge. OP has avoided it so that in itself is remarkable and testament to synthetic ocs.