10w-30 conventional oil with best HTHS?

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Nov 22, 2002
Austin, TX
OK, I know Castrol GTX and Pennzoil Purebase 10w30 have a HTHS rating of 3.1.

Are there any conventional 10w-30 oil that does better? For that matter, are there any ??w-30 that does as well?

Heck, are there any readily available synthetic 10w-30 oil that does better? (I know Amsoil does better.)

Citgo Supergard 5/30 3.2> Not a typo,it's sibling 10/30 is 3.0 and has a lower vi at both 40 and 100C

Phillips Trop Artic Turbo 10/30 3.2

The Citgo 5/30 blend is 3.3 and the 10/30 is 3.5

The Mystik 10/30 Pao blend is 3.6,newer base stocks,old SH specs or additive packs

Most low cost 30wts are at the 3.0 3.1 mark. Not these.

I am not sure what the Motorcraft is,I have not received the updated specs yet. Of course there are some HD multigrades and straight wts that will give good numbers as well.

[ February 21, 2003, 06:27 PM: Message edited by: dragboat ]

Originally posted by tai:
OK, I know Castrol GTX and Pennzoil Purebase 10w30 have a HTHS rating of 3.1.

Are there any conventional 10w-30 oil that does better? For that matter, are there any ??w-30 that does as well?

Heck, are there any readily available synthetic 10w-30 oil that does better? (I know Amsoil does better.)

Mobil 1 5w30 and 10w30 have an HTHS of 3.2. Castrol Formula SLX 0w30 has an HTHS of 3.6.
I was looking at the specs for Pennzoil's 10w40 and it has a 3.7 HTHS, and at 13.5cst it's a thinner 40wt, so it could be substituted for 10w30 in a lot of cars.

Originally posted by Patman:
I was looking at the specs for Pennzoil's 10w40 and it has a 3.7 HTHS, and at 13.5cst it's a thinner 40wt, so it could be substituted for 10w30 in a lot of cars.

I may have to give that a try. You seem to really like it, from your other posts, so it must be good.

Originally posted by sprintman:
Patman/Johnny is that 10W40 Purebase? I like the HTHS figure.

Yep, it's the Purebase stuff. I'm interesting in seeing how this does in a short interval, if it thins out like many other 10w40s do. Considering it's a thinner 40wt, I'm inclined to believe it doesn't use as much VII as other 10w40s, so it should theoretically stay closer in grade longer.
Patman here is you some Pennzoil 10/40


API SJ/CF/EC * ACEA A3/B3 (98) * VW 502.00/505.00 (1/97) * MB 229.1 * BMW Special Oil * Porsche

PE M499: 12x1 Litri; 4X4 Litri; 60 Litri
Ulei de motor semi-sintetic ce oferă lubrefiere optimă motoarelor moderne pe benzină şi diesel, pentru autoturisme şi autovehicule comerciale de sarcină mică.
ULTRA TURBO a fost testat la motoare cu turbo-alimentare şi este compatibil cu catalizatorii. Îndeplineşte şi depăşeşte cele mai înalte standarde de performanţă stabilite pentru uleiurile de motoare pe benzină.


-Protejează motorul la porniri pe vreme rece;
-Excelentă protecţie împotriva uzurii şi coroziunii;
-Economie de combustibil demonstrată;
-Aprobat de PORSCHE şi BMW;
-Pentru toate autovehiculele de pasageri MERCEDES-BENZ;
-Aprobat de VW

Proprietăţi fizico-chimice:

SAE ....................................................10W-40
Densitate (15,6 °C) ............. kg/l ............0,8715
Vâscozitate la 100 °C ......... cSt ............14,9
Vâscozitate la 40 °C ............cSt ..... ......101,6
Indice de vâscozitate .............................153
Punct de aprindere (ASTM D-92) .............210 °C
Cenuşă sulfaţi ............... %greutate .......1,09
T.B.N (ASTM D-2896) ... mg KOH/g ........8,8
Punct de curgere .................°C ...... ......-33.

The Schaeffers Supreme 7000, 5w-30 and 10w-30 have the best high temp specs of any petroleum oil or synthetic blend I've seen. Both have HT/HS of at least 3.5 Cp @ 150C, so they meet the ACEA A3 specifications.

Most petroleum xw-30 oils have HT/HS in the 2.9-3.2 Cp range in order to optimize fuel efficiency. I don't agree with this approach and think it's better to meet the more stringent ACEA specs to prevent wear under high temp and high load conditions.

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