09 Subaru WRX 3100 miles on 10w/30 GTX

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Apr 12, 2009
I have learned a lot from reading these forums over the last few years so I thought I should post the results of my UOA for general information. So far things look very good to me

Yeah, that factory fill is INSANE - we thought Honda FF had a lot of moly...move over!

Nice low break-in metals. Once break-in is complete, what are you going to run?
very nice report on a new boxer turbo. I don't think it could get any better.

What oil filter?
To me, thaat's some insanely low wear metals for a brand new engine that only flushed once within the first 1000 miles.
Originally Posted By: JoeFromPA
To me, thaat's some insanely low wear metals for a brand new engine that only flushed once within the first 1000 miles.

ditto. Seriously good numbers. GTX, with reasonable oci's, seems to impress more often than not.
Webfors - No doubt on GTX. But this is the second subaru engine I've seen in the last 2 weeks post early results from the first few OCIs that jus thave ridiculously low dissolved metals. What is Subaru doing to their engines that their OCIs are so clean right off the factory floor?

At this rate, you could actually begin trending after 3-5k miles instead of 10-20k.

The moly is from the factory fill, i am not a believer in additives I plan on oil changes every 3750 +/- as recommended by Subaru. So far I am using the OE (blue) honeywell/fram and as long as the numbers hold I see little reason to switch. In the past I have had excellent results with Syntec, my 1990 Isuzu Trooper 2.6 was not using any oil between changes at 150k when chassis rust caught up with it. I used 10w/30 Syntec in it from the first 1k change and although I never did a UOA I can't argue with the results. I have 5w/30 syntec in it now and I will do a UOA at 7500 and see how it looks, if it is not up to snuff I will consider my options then.

If you're changing every 3,750, the American Syntec should probably do ok.


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I am stuck with 3750 for now as that is currently the Interval specified by Subaru. If I want to avoid problems with any warrantee issues any extended change interval is out, for a while any way.
Looks like Subaru has switched over to a lead free bearing. Silver is still very low, but keep an eye on it.

As you may know, there has been a rash of engine bearing failures in 2009 Subaru WRXs, and the speculation is that it is due to a bad batch of lead free bearings. A few owners at NASIOC who have done a UOA have had double digit silver (22 ppm in one case). Subaru is replacing motors under warranty, but has remained silent about the actual cause.

Update: The latest news is that Subaru has fessed up that there was a problem with crankshafts being inadequately cleaned after machining, thereby chewing up bearings with debris.
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Thanks for the heads up. I have looked at the NASIOC thread over the past few months and even posted my UOA's there, but I have been in the automotive business long enough that I am just not ready to be worried by a bunch of internet speculation. Some of the "theories" that I have seen about this have been pretty far fetched at the least, and totally unsupported by real facts. I have done my UOA's with no signs of excessively high metals, for the first two oil changes I cut open the filters and I have seen no signs of debris. I figure if it was a problem with the crankshaft not being cleaned properly there would be some evidence by now, so I am just going to drive it and enjoy it for what it is. Ultimately if it all goes bang down the road, I am confident that Subaru will make it right. I do plan on doing my part and service it as recommended in the manual and I will take a sample and do another UOA at 7500. After all its just a machine and I don't want/need to stress over something else beyond my control, and turn the purchase I made to enjoy into another problem that I just don't need.

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