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  1. craZivn

    New Wix Design, Looking for Opinions

    I was at Fleet Farm today with my penlight, I'm considering the Fram Ultra Synthetic as they look really nice from what I can see. More expensive at about $7.50 on RA but I'll take a slight price hit for quality. Haven't looked up any C&P yet on those. I looked at the Tough Guard as well but...
  2. craZivn

    New Wix Design, Looking for Opinions

    I was able to remove some of the rust by lightly rubbing with my finger (hard to see but it's a slightly cleaner spot at about 7 o'clock on the cut-open picture, can take a vid when I get back to the shop). Whether it would cause engine wear directly is certainly debatable since the rust is...
  3. craZivn

    New Wix Design, Looking for Opinions

    Thanks! It's a little messier in person but I used a rotary cutoff tool with a thinwheel to make all the cuts. @FlyingVan and @cheesepuffs2 if I'd gotten them from Amazon or the 'Bay I'd suspect they were fakes with how poor they are compared to the last batch, but I think that RockAuto uses...
  4. craZivn

    New Wix Design, Looking for Opinions

    I looked up how to do the burn test, and the ADBV is in fact silicone if I'm understanding correctly. Took a while to light up, burns with a white smoke and white ash as pictured. I noticed that it is very flimsy though, compared to the red ADBV of the U.S.-made filter. (Sorry that's the best...
  5. craZivn

    New Wix Design, Looking for Opinions

    So I take these replies as a hard YES to "send the remaining filters back and switch to a different brand". Will do! And no problem on sharing the C&P, I'm glad I did before deciding to run these on my van! Ivan
  6. craZivn

    New Wix Design, Looking for Opinions

    Hello all, first post but I've been gleaning lots of info over the years from BITOG. Anyway, my latest order of filters from RockAuto is completely different from what I expect in Wix. So different that I'm debating whether I even want to use these or if I should send them right back. First...