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    Kumho Tires

    Been a few years but I thought they were great.
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    Dedicated license plate thread.

    Long live the embossed license plates! I hate that they've moved to the flat digital plates. In Ohio, they've transitioned their general circulation plates from embossed to digital within about the last year or so (part way through the first letter being a "J" in the 3-letter 4-numeral...
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    Oil temps and time to burn off

    And to threadjack/piggyback off this question, it's talked about often to drive easy until the oil is up to temp. Does that mean full operating oil temp like in the 190F range? Or are we good to get on it at, say, 140F?
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    Subaru Forester #1 SUV for 10 Years in a Row, Consumer Reports

    I like my Forester Wilderness. The ground clearance, the revised final drive ratio, the cooled CVT, and it's easier to change the oil than any car I've owned. That final drive ratio, while it takes away MPGs, gives it enough get up and go if you properly work the torque band without just mashing...
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    Almond Milk

    These posts are getting popular. Back to bang the drum for oat milk.
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    Possible missed fluid changes

    Does the same unwritten rule apply for CVT fluid that is does for legacy transmissions... where if it hasn't been changed by a certain point, don't change it?
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    Calling All Milk Drinkers

    Do the plant based protein. Vega is good and doesn't taste bad. I get the chocolate and mix it with vanilla oat milk.
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    Calling All Milk Drinkers

    Get. Off. Dairy. So bad for you. That includes cheese.
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    Happy Groundhog Day!

    Way more accurate than you give credit for, actually verified by statistics. But thanks.
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    So, so ready for this movie! Very loosely based on an actual bear that ingested a brick of cocaine!
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    Another Polar Vortex on its way

    The overall warming is *categorically undeniable*. If people want to fight about what's causing it, they can have it.
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    Another Polar Vortex on its way

    It replaced the "Pineapple Express". You probably know that one.
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    Chevy Trax cold start metal knock sound

    You don't hear it any other time like when driving certain RPM ranges, right? I had a spun bearing once that sounded like that on a cold start. But I also heard it when driving around 3k RPM as well.
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    Classic movies we love

    "Ok. Show me." Love that!
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    Classic movies we love

    Not to keep threadjacking here, but I worked 12hrs/day 7 days a week on that ship. Sounds grueling, but there was literally nothing else to do, except fish if the crew let you use their equipment. Sorry, OP, I'll let it get back on track.
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    Classic movies we love

    I get it. I was on a NOAA research ship for 2 months in 1999 and it was the same. Never a short supply of ice cream, and since I was near the equator, I ate my share of it. It's also where I saw The Deer Hunter for the first time, which should be on my list above. And Apocalypse Now.
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    Classic movies we love

    You think it's better than the first one?
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    Classic movies we love

    Alien, Aliens, The Terminator, The Exorcist, The Godfather (yes, the first is better than the second), Fargo