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      GregR reacted to Opelman's post in the thread Fuel sender floats with Like Like.
      How many cars for how many years have plastic fuel tanks? A plastic float won't be an issue. Only one I would avoid is the cork as I...
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      GregR replied to the thread Fuel sender floats.
      Thanks for all the input. I tested the sender resistance and it was fine. Float was sitting on the bottom of the tank. I went with a...
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      GregR reacted to eljefino's post in the thread Fuel sender floats with Like Like.
      That'll be a difference of maybe 1/4 inch over ten-plus inches of travel. Go with the plastic float-- they make gas tanks out of...
    • G
      I need to replace my fuel sender in an old (44 years young) vehicle. I am seeing sending units with floats made of brass, cork, and...
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